Alexander Johannes

Home Gallery at KABK

Thursday 12.10.2023
6 PM – 9 PM
KABK Auditorium
Prinsessegracht 4
2514 AN The Hague

On October the 12th 2023 I had the pleasure of being invited to talk about my work and do a Home-Gallery-inspired workshop in the context of the Studium Generale at KABK (Royal Academy of Art The Hague).

During the 7 Studium Generale Alumnx Exchange Sessions, imagined and coordinated by Stephane Blokhuis, former students from different departments will present their work, projects, and life after graduation.

Each session is accompanied by interventions, workshops, film-screenings, etc.

In the spirit of the Home Gallery, I will created a spontaneous pop-up exhibition with the students.

18:00 Hello and Presentation

18:30 Workshop producing a POP Up Exhibition
20:00 micro-opening: Home Gallery at KABK

Documentation soon ☺️


17.07.2024 - 17.08.2024
Sensory Threshold LAB 2024: AS FOUND+
Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen

29.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
Verbindung von Räumen
Vorwerkstift Hamburg
Opening: 29.08. 19:00
Exhibition: 30.08 - 01.09. 10:00 - 18:00
Listening Sessions: Fr.-So. 12, 14, 16h (duration 30 min.)

free entrance, donations welcome.

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
12:30 - 13:30

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
18:00 - 19:00

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
12:30 - 13:30

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
18:00 - 19:00
