Alexander Johannes

Feedback Loop, vis à vis with Cathleen Owens

Some people say: “The artwork is inseparable from the artist”.

In the case of Cathleen Owens this dictum is not only true by evident but concept. In her performative video works she applies linguistic variations such as change of pronunciation, color of tone, and emotional transmissions to such dictums, hearsay, platitudes, and ‘old wife tales’ we all know too good.
In her pursuit to counteract her and our super-ego or conscience, it is sometimes lost what came first: Her art practice or the doubts about it?

What we can say with certainty is that her messages are more than mere repetitions of mantras on how to do or not to do things, namely a mirror for a society stuck in a feedback loop.

Saturday 18.02.2023
from 4pm

18.02. – 11.03.2023

Reading from Journeys/Traveling Into The Imaginative, Artistic Situations and Displays (German: Reisen Ins Imaginative, Künstlerische Situationen und Displays) by Marie-France Rafael.
With Alexander Johannes Heil
7 PM – 9 PM

Artist Talk soon to be announced !!!
With Cathleen Owens, Marie-France Rafael & Alexander Johannes Heil
Date and time T.B.A. stay tuned: follow us on insta or sign up for our newsletter


17.07.2024 - 17.08.2024
Sensory Threshold LAB 2024: AS FOUND+
Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen

29.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
Verbindung von Räumen
Vorwerkstift Hamburg
Opening: 29.08. 19:00
Exhibition: 30.08 - 01.09. 10:00 - 18:00
Listening Sessions: Fr.-So. 12, 14, 16h (duration 30 min.)

free entrance, donations welcome.

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
12:30 - 13:30

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
18:00 - 19:00

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
12:30 - 13:30

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
18:00 - 19:00
