Il Momento Metafisico

Formal Dialectics of Nature and Architecture

Il Momento Metafisico

Photographies of nature and architecture
dimensions: variable
duration: 52 sec. on loop

In this work, I explore natural and architectural spaces, observe natural and architectural phenomena, and find analogies between typologies of these natural and architectural entities. They inspire me to think poetically about the relations between these two spheres of our world, whereby one magically emerges and the other is constructed.

“During my journey through the world, I never make categorisations of what is looked at. I always look at all buildings, pillars, spaces, vaults, caves, columns, mountains, stumps, trunks, hills, and heaps with the same attention and the same sincerity.
All these things arouse my interest in the same spontaneous, impulsive way. As I look at things with constant indifference, I do not give them any definitions and no truth about what they are. I just look; and in result I can concentrate on how they are – the things I look at. I stay with them in that moment of enduring the being. It is a kind of looking at things which maybe be described as a mixture of platonic excitement and a stoicism in the sense of an Democritus, without the amazement about seemingly extraordinary things. A kind of indifferent amazement about both; the ordinary as well as the extraordinary.”

(From my essay Metaphysics of Architecture, Experiences of an Architecture Student, Berlin 2017)


January 7, 2025
Sally's Fault
Bloemgracht 56
1015TK Amsterdam NL
from 17:00

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
18:00 - 19:00

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
12:30 - 13:30

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
18:00 - 19:00

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
12:30 - 13:30

29.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
Verbindung von Räumen
Vorwerkstift Hamburg
Opening: 29.08. 19:00
Exhibition: 30.08 - 01.09. 10:00 - 18:00
Listening Sessions: Fr.-So. 12, 14, 16h (duration 30 min.)

free entrance, donations welcome.

17.07.2024 - 17.08.2024
Sensory Threshold LAB 2024: AS FOUND+
Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen