Panorama class

Let’s explore the phenomenology of the landscape and the history of Immersion in the arts.

image: student experiment from the last workshop video projection with wearable paper screens and 4ch field-recording.
Student: Theresa Hajek
Department: ArtScience (KABK)
Bachelor 3rd year

In this workshop, I, together with the participants, explore the panorama as an art form and medium, as well as a phenomenological concept that can be translated from the original vision-based approach into artistic approaches towards other receptors of our bodily sensory system like sound, smell, touch, and so on. We experience and discuss the panorama and make practical experiments to create our own interpretations. We go on excursions to visit the Panorama Mesdag and the beach of Den Haag to explore ‘our gaze as a panorama by itself’ (Merleau- Ponty) and gather inspiration in the landscape of the dunes and the shore. During this day, we have the time and space to get to know each other better, talk about the panorama, landscape, and our experiences in an informal environment. Within this workshop, we want to playfully explore this comparatively young art form* and find potential translations into other artistic media. We ask and discuss questions like: Where did the panorama go, where is it today? What is a panorama and what is not a panorama, and why? The workshop aims at people who want to dive into a history of artworks where the viewer, through his bodily presence, is involved in the emergence of the perceptual phenomena of the works.

*first panorama: View of the Fleet at Spithead, London, inaugurated 1794

inspired and theoretically based on the Text
panorama and its promise of manifestation.

image: Behind the scenes tour with the students at the Panorama Mesdag, The Hague (NL).

Panoramas practice, as one can state with Maurice Merleau-Ponty, a very own “magical theory of seeing”. Therefore, the workshop is accompanied by a seminar in which I together with the students study and discuss the text The Panorama and its Promise of Manifestation by Jörg H. Gleiter**. The text examines the different elements of the Panorama such as faux terrain, the tunnel, and its enveloping spatial characteristics. Furthermore, the text reflects on existing panoramas such as the Jerusalem Panorama in Altötting (DE), the Peasants’ War Panorama in Bad Frankenhausen (DE), and The Panorama Mesdag in The Hague (NL). Hereby, the text and the seminar lay focus on the constituting visual, spatial, and perceptual-theoretical elements of these panoramas and the panorama as immersive artwork as such with a strong reference to Maurice Merleau Ponty’s theories on phenomenology and our bodily perception and processing of our environment.

Themes of the text are, for instance, the limits of constitution, imagination, illusion, Gegenstandsversprechen (promise of manifestation), travesty, and the aspect of the illusion being physically constructed in space.

The seminar is introduced by a visual presentation of the panoramas discussed in the text plus a selection of historical and contemporary artworks such as Pierre Huyghe’s After Alife Ahead, or Giotto di Bondone’s Saint Francis Cycle (San Francesco at Assisi).

The participants are challenged not only to think of the panorama as the predecessor of cinema and VR but as a concept for a number of immersive media, which can take upon many forms of manifestation.

**in: Kunst. Bild. Wahrnehmung. Blick. Merleau-Ponty zum Hundertsten, hg. Antje Kapust u.a., Bonn 2010. 
Original German title: Das Panorama und sein Gegenstandsversprechen English translation by Alexander J. Heil: The Panorama and its Promise of Manifestation.

Jörg H. Gleiter is professor for Architecture theory at the faculty of architecture, Technische Universität Berlin.

A wonderful and insightful experience.

I aim to adjust my workshops according to the needs of my prospective participants and the resources of the institution to provide substantial content and an enjoyable experience. I hope that this project will grow further over the coming years, hopefully together with a wide variety of participants from different creative fields.

Below you can see two examples for a one day and a one week version of the workshop. Both were held at the Royal Academy of Art/ Royal Conservatory The Hague. Also you will find a gallery with some documentation from the workshops.

One Day Workshop


• introductory text
• introductory lecture
• seminar
• excursion
• practical experiments



Reading the text Jörg H. Gleiter, The Panorama and it’s Promise of Manifestation. before the workshop day (two days beforehand).

10:00 Introduction

Myself, my practice, the Panorama Class Project, Panoramas, Schedule for the day. 

10:45 Seminar

Discussion of the text: Jörg H. Gleiter, The Panorama and it’s Promise of Manifestation.

11:15 Coffee Break

Gathering in the courtyard. Walk to Panorama Mesdag.

11:45 Guided Tour

Guided Tour at Panorama Mesdag by Gertjan Spuij including ‘behind the scenes’.

13:15 Break

Traveling to De Vulkaan in Westduinpark The Hague

14:15 De Vulkaan

Hang out at De Vulkaan: Exploring the Gaze as Panorama.

15:00 Break

Traveling back to the KABK

16:00 Experiment

Working at the Studio: Quick sketches and experiments inspired by the input of the day.

17:30 Presentation

Presentations of the outcome of the studio work

18:00 The End

End of a beautiful, inspiring, productive day.

One Week Workshop Schedule


• introductory text
• introductory lecture
• seminar
• excursion
• practical experiments



Reading the text Jörg H. Gleiter, The Panorama and it’s Promise of Manifestation. before the workshop day (two days beforehand).


Introducing myself, my practice, the Panorama Class Project, Panoramas, Schedule for the week.
Discussion of the text: Jörg H. Gleiter, The Panorama and it’s Promise of Manifestation.

Panorama Mesdag
De Vulkaan

Morning: Guided Tour at Panorama Mesdag by Gertjan Spuij including ‘behind the scenes’. Afternoon: Excursion to De Vulkaan in the dunes of Westduinpark at the beach of The Hague. Exploring the Gaze as Panorama.

Project development

Based on the gained inspiration the students develop artworks, performances, concepts, experiences, and experiments..
Individual coaching by Alexander J. Heil.

Project finalisation

Based on the gained inspiration the students develop artworks, performances, concepts, experiences, and experiments.
Individual coaching by Alexander J. Heil.

The End

Presentations of the projects
End of a beautiful, inspiring, productive week.

Further Information

If you would like to learn more about this workshop and/or book a workshop at your institution please write me an email.

Some insights on what is happening during the Panorama Class


17.07.2024 - 17.08.2024
Sensory Threshold LAB 2024: AS FOUND+
Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen

29.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
Verbindung von Räumen
Vorwerkstift Hamburg
Opening: 29.08. 19:00
Exhibition: 30.08 - 01.09. 10:00 - 18:00
Listening Sessions: Fr.-So. 12, 14, 16h (duration 30 min.)

free entrance, donations welcome.

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
12:30 - 13:30

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
18:00 - 19:00

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
12:30 - 13:30

Month of Contemporary Music Berlin
The Whalesong Project - Berlin
Making Music With Six Monumental Buildings
Berliner Dom
18:00 - 19:00
